Research & Clinical Trials
Each patient at the Norman Fixel Institute has the option to make a difference in current and future care and treatment therapies by participating in research.
After you check-in at the front desk in the lobby, you may be asked if you would like to participate in a research databank. The research databank collects medical information from your normal clinic visit and stores it on a secure server for use in future research.
If you agree to this and sign the consent form, you instantly become a research participant as well as a patient. Medical information from your doctor visits at the Norman Fixel Institute will be included in the databank. Over 19,000 people have enrolled as research participants in the research bank at the Norman Fixel Institute.
By becoming a research participant or a clinical trial participant, you help answer the critical questions about neurological disorders and help search for new and better treatment therapies.
The research and clinical trials team has three dedicated patient rooms, more than four mini-laboratories and multiple office and collaborative spaces for research.
Read about the research taking place at the Norman Fixel Institute.