Beyond the spaces

Inspiring patient creativity and imagination

When you visit the Fixel Institute, you will notice art fills the wall of the clinic. From photographs to paintings, each piece of art tells a story of a patient’s journey with a complex neurological disorder. 

What inspires this creativity in our patients? Dopamine, electricity from deep brain stimulators and some medications for complex neurological disorders appear to make people more creative.

Making a difference through giving

The Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health would not be possible without the support of donors that provide funding to continue building a program for interdisciplinary care for neurological disorders.

The building that houses the clinic and research space at the Fixel Institute was made possible by over 30 individual donors and a seed gift of $4 million from the Lee and Lauren Fixel Family Foundation.

Most of the spaces you see when you visit the Fixel Institute were graciously donated by grateful patients, families and organizations.

Norman Fixel Institute

Lauren and Lee Fixel Family Foundation


Wilder Family

Waiting Room

Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia Cure

Outdoor waiting area

Dr. Bob Dein

DIgital gait and balance analysis strip

Patty and John Noel

Rehabilitation stations

Belz Family Foundation

Swallowing Suite

Judith Barrett

Outdoor rehabilitation Therapy Area

Bob and Becky Allen

Consult room and nursing station

Ed Levy and Robert Yates

Commons for fellows

The Frances C. & William P. Smallwood Foundation