The 2024 Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Think Tank meeting takes place in Gainesville, FL on August 21-23, 2024 with a theme of “Emerging indications and novel applications of DBS”.
Select recordings will be available for some sessions following the event.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Session: Movement Disorders
Session Moderator: Simon Little
Session Speaker
Simon Little
From the Lab to the Home – towards naturalistic adaptive DBS for Parkinson’s disease.

Session Speaker
Huiling Tan
Evoked resonant neural activity outperforms spectral markers in decoding sleep from the subthalamic nucleus.

Session Speaker
Dennis Turner
Novel Approaches to Adaptive DBS for Parkinson Disease.

Coffee Break 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Session: Stroke, TBI and Sleep
Session Moderator: Andre Machado
Session Speaker
Coralie de Hemptinne
Chronic intracranial recordings to study circadian rhythms in movement disorders

Session Speaker
Andre Machado
DBS for Post Stroke Rehabilitation: A Translational Project.

Session Speaker
Nicholas Schiff
Central thalamic deep brain stimulation improves chronical impaired executive function in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury

Pre-dinner Break 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Session: Dinner and Industry Blitz
Session Moderator: Adolfo Ramirez
- Medtronic
- Boston Scientific
- Abbott
- Neuropace
- Newronika
- Motif
Thursday, August 22, 2024
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Session: Emerging MEG-DBS Research
Session Moderator: Abbas Babajani-Feremi
Session Speaker
Bahne Bahners
DBS- Evoked Potentials:
From Cortical Signatures to
Clinical Programming.

Session Speaker
Vladimir Litvak
Using Meg to Study Cortico-Subcortical Oscillatory Connectivity.

Session Speaker
Luka Milosevic
Using Meg to Investigate Networks and Settings in Emerging DBS Indications.

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch and Networking
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Session: Epilepsy
Session Moderator: Saadi Ghatan
Session Speaker
Saadi Ghatan
Neuromodulation of Thalamocortical Circuits for the Underserved Epilepsy Population

Session Speaker
Michael Fox
Mapping a brain network target for epilepsy neuromodulation

Session Speaker
Nicholas Gregg
Thalamic stimulation induced changes in effective connectivity: Insights from thalamic sEEG.

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Session: Neuroethics in Neuromodulation
Session Moderator: Cynthia Kubu
Session Speaker
Cynthia Kubu
Translational Neuroethics.

Session Speaker
Michael Okun
The growing worry about abandonment in deep brain stimulation therapy.

Session speaker
James Giordano
The Untriviality of Non-Diagnostic Brain Biopsy during DBS: Issues, Implications, and Imperatives for Clinical Practice.

Dinner Break and Networking 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Keynote: Christopher Rozell
Looking for latent variables: Lessons from NeuroAI to advance neuromodulation.
Friday, August 23, 2024
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Session: Mood and Neuropsychiatric disorders
Session Moderator: Helen Mayberg
Session Speaker
Nicola Cascella
Deep Brain Stimulation for chronic hallucinations in treatment-resistant schizophrenia.

Session Speaker
Casey Halpern
Capturing mesocorticolimbic electrophysiologic correlates of obsessive-compulsive symptoms to guide a circuit-based deep brain stimulation strategy.

Session Speaker
Helen Mayberg
Might DBS do more than tune a Circuit?
Evidence of stimulation induced repair.

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Coffee Break
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Session: Emerging Techniques and DBS
Session Moderator: Nico Dosenbach
Session Speaker
Nico Dosenbach
Parkinson’s is a somato-cognitive action network disorder

Session Speaker
Lorraine Kalia
Delivery of biologic drugs with MR-guided focused ultrasound in Parkinson’s disease

Session Speaker
Sarah-Anna Hescham
Neuromodulation using magnetic nanomaterials.

12:30PM – 2:00 PM Adjourn and box lunches for those leaving and staying to network