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Eating for Energy: Nutrition Tips to Combat Mealtime Fatigue in ALS

By: Emily Truscott, MS, RD, LD Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that affects how muscles and nerves work together. Over time, it makes movement difficult or impossible. People with ALS often experience problems with chewing, swallowing, breathing, and fatigue.1 Although the exact cause of fatigue in ALS is not…

Nutrition’s Role in Neurological Diseases

By: Emily Truscott, MS, RD, LD Nutrition’s Role in Neurological Diseases Good food choices can help you control your weight and lower your risk for certain diseases. People with conditions where…

Newly Diagnosed Resources

After initially receiving a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, we understand that you might be overwhelmed with the amount of information that you will receive. So, at the Fixel Institute, we want to help by summarizing important resources that can help you along your journey to healing and living.

Caregiver Digest October 2020

Contributed by Kathleen Mason In the wake of COVID -19, life over the past six months has drastically changed. Many aspects of everyday activities are on hold for the foreseeable future. A physically distanced world is the recommended indefinite “new normal” for those in the PD community to stay…

Caregiver Digest September 2020

Contributed by Kathy Mason The Parkinson’ Disease (PD) journey has many twists and turns for persons with PD and caregivers alike. Knowledge is power. In order to live well with the disease, there is a need for both to understand it and what to expect with progression. The more…

Caregiver Digest July-August 2020

Contributed by Kathy Mason Coffee Break: The emotional Roller coaster of Caregiving According to AARP, six in 10 caregivers provide care for adults with a long term physical condition such…