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Back to School with Tourette Syndrome 2024

The summer is winding down, back-to-school shopping is inevitable and parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner. With the laid-back atmosphere of the summer, it can be difficult for children with Tourette syndrome (TS), as well as their parents to get transition back to the structured setting of school. When…

Tourette Syndrome and COVID-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Information The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted our daily lives in all domains, including socially, medically, educationally, and economically. Children and adults living with tic disorders…

#OCDweek for OCD Awareness and Advocacy

Sunday, October 8-October 14, 2017 is the International OCD Foundation Awareness Week. This week is dedicated to promoting unity, awareness, and support for those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders. This week is recognized nationally and promoted within each Center of Excellence. Here are some of…

Tourette Syndrome-It’s not what you think it is

(Tourette Association Iceberg, 2016) On July 6th, the Tourette Association of America shared this new image of what exactly is Tourette Syndrome.  How powerful is this? What do you think?   So, what does this mean? Well, what you might see…