The Radiomics and Augmented Intelligence Laboratory (RAIL) of the Department of Radiology and the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases is involved in the inception, development, validation, and translation of clinical AI applications for precision diagnostics, streamlining of healthcare processes, and enhanced health quality and safety.
The RAIL lab builds on UF’s artificial intelligence (AI) initiative, and UF/UF Health’s unique position as one of the top five public research universities in the United States and only a few comprehensive universities having medical and all other major professional and scientific disciplines co-localized on the same, contiguous campus. The RAIL lab has active cross-disciplinary collaborations and has members both from the College of Medicine and the College of Engineering. We are also currently in the process of negotiating and finalizing research and collaboration agreements with key industry partners in medical imaging and healthcare. This multi-disciplinary laboratory based at the Fixel institute uses state of the art technology, including AI, with a focus on developing and translating medical AI applications using cross-disciplinary collaborations in addition to industry partners and consortia.
One of the unique aspects of the RAIL lab is our team’s focus on not only developing state of the art software but doing this while considering the practical challenges and necessities for such software to have the highest likelihood of adoption so it can be brought into clinical practice to impact every patient’s journey in the healthcare enterprise.
Research Projects?
Learn and read about the research taking place at RAIL at the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health.
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Contact the Lab
Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases
3011 SW Williston Rd, Gainesville, FL 32611
Funding & Awards

K08 AG071983
Pepper Scholars Award