specific aims

The Tyler’s Hope Foundation Dystonia Fellowship at the University of Florida, integrated within the Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases, is dedicated to providing interdisciplinary training in movement disorders with a focus on dystonia. For over 21 years, this program has trained 64 fellows who have advanced to academic careers, contributing to the field of movement disorders through clinical practice and research. This fellowship’s specific aims are as follows:

Aim 1: Establish the 2024-2025 Tyler’s Hope Foundation Dystonia Fellowship to enable a selected fellow to focus on research specifically related to DYT1 and other forms of dystonia, funded by the Tyler’s Hope Foundation.

Aim 2: Select a fellow based on demonstrated interest and research promise in dystonia. The chosen fellow must commit to completing a dystonia research project by the end of their fellowship.

Aim 3: Support the fellow in completing their dystonia research project under the guidance of mentors, while gaining clinical expertise in dystonia management, including the use of botulinum toxin and deep brain stimulation (DBS) for dystonia treatment​


The fellowship milestones are organized across two years:

  • Year 1: Selection of the Tyler’s Hope Foundation Dystonia Fellow, IRB approval, recruitment, and initial data collection.
  • Year 2: Continued data analysis, presentation of results, and preparation of a manuscript for submission

proposed budget

The Tyler’s Hope Foundation will contribute $40,000 towards the fellowship, allocated fully towards the fellow’s salary. UF will supplement this with an additional $60,030.20 to cover remaining salary, travel, and other educational expenses, bringing the total budget to $100,030.20​