Prepare for your first visit

Preparing for your first visit to the Fixel Institute shouldn’t be stressful.
From completing your paperwork to arriving for your appointment, we have you covered with a step-by-step guide to your visit.

After scheduling your appointment

You should receive a new patient packet in the mail with important information about your upcoming visit, what to expect and essential paperwork.

If you do not receive your patient packet within 2 weeks after confirming your new patient appointment, please call our office at 352-294-5400.

1. Log in to myUFHealth

New patients will receive instructions to log into our secure, patient portal system: MyUFHealth. 
On the MyUFHealth patient portal, you can access your medical records, complete patient paperwork, view appointment notes and communicate directly with your care team.

3. Review pre-appointment instructions

Depending on the clinic you see during your visit, there may specific instructions about medications or patient documents related to your appointment.
Some clinics may request that you stop your medication for 12-24 hours prior to your appointment due to the nature of the evaluation.

getting to the fixel institute

photo of the front of the Fixel building. it looks new and there is an space to pull your car up to the front of the building

Getting to the Fixel Institute

Located on the Fixel Institute Campus, the Norman Fixel Institute clinic is easily accessible from major highways and the local Gainesville Regional Airport.

Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health
3009 SW Williston Road
Gainesville, FL

Directions from my location.

Parking is available around the clinic and is free to all patients and their families.

Have questions?

Our staff is always available to help answer any questions you have regarding your first visit to the Fixel Institute. If you need assistance or have any questions, please call 352-294-5400.