Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Memory Disorder Clinic

Living with memory loss or being a caregiver for someone with dementia can be challenging. Whether the memory loss is caused by dementia or not, we’re here for you and your loved ones with the latest treatment options and caregiver support, every step of the way.

With a team of national recognized memory disorder specialists, the Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Memory Disorder clinic at the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases puts you and your caregiver at the center with your care and treatment plan orbiting around you. 

Quicklinks: Conditions We Treat, Meet your Care Team, Resources & Support, Tips & Treatment

Prepare for Your Memory Disorder Appointment

As a new or returning memory disorder patient, you are at the center of everything we do. Find answers to questions about your visit and condition: what to expect, why Fixel Institute, how to manage life with a neurological disorder and next steps for your care.

Your memory care at the front of our minds.

From Alzheimer’s disease to Lewy body dementia, our clinic provides dementia care and support to the patients living with dementia and memory loss and their caregiver team. Early diagnosis is key for creating a specialized plan for managing life with memory loss and dementia. Our team of memory disorders specialists work closely with you and your caregiver team to create an individualized plan of care, testing and therapies for managing symptoms, focusing on brain health and helping you live a full life.

Explore the condition we treat and the services we offer at the Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Memory Disorder clinic .

Conditions We Treat

Treatment Options & Services

  • Cognitive testing
  • Dietitian services
  • Genetic counseling
  • Psychiatric care

Our Location

Patient care takes place at our clinical building, UF Health Neuromedicine – Fixel Institute, in Gainesville, Florida. The state of the art facility provides a central location for all your care and treatment needs including appointments, therapies, support groups and more.

Centers of Excellence

1Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC)

1Florida ADRC

Comprehensive Care at Fixel

Counseling & Social Work

Living with memory loss or being a caregiver for someone with memory problems has its challenges. Receive the support you need to navigate these challenges by connecting with a social worker at your next visit to the Fixel Institute.

Ask your care team about counseling & social work at your next visit.

Social worker talking to a patient about resources and support available.

Tips & Treatment Blog

Looking for tips to navigate your dementia or memory disorder? The Fixel Institute Tips & Treatment blog brings tips, treatments and motivational stories to encourage and inspire you to live your best life while managing a neurological disorder.

Partner pointing at a computer screen for other partner.

Genetic Counseling

Genetics and family health history provide information to determine how likely it is that you or your family has or may develop a neurological disorder. The Fixel Institute offers free genetic counseling to patients and their families.

Ask your care team about genetic counseling programs at your next visit.

Couple holding hands at a genetic counseling visit.

Participate in Research

Clinical research is essential to finding new treatment options for Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory disorders. As a patient at the Fixel Institute, you will have the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial at the Fixel Institute.


Make an Appointment

Whether you’re looking for a new patient visit or returning as a current patient, our team can help you schedule your appointment. Options may be available for telehealth.