Patient Care

Kids and adults living with Tourette syndrome and tic disorders need an interdisciplinary environment for treatment, and also an opportunity to participate in cutting edge research. 

The Tourette Association of America Center of Excellence is comprised of two world-renowned clinical care centers: the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases and the Center for OCD, Anxiety and Related Disorders.

The TAA Center of Excellence is home to clinicians and scientists at the University of Florida and UF Health who are committed to the multi-disciplinary care of people living with tics, Tourette syndrome, and related disorders.


Healthcare worker talking to a child on a couch

Make an Appointment


Making an appointment at the TAA Center of Excellence is easy and convenient! With the Norman Fixel Institute and COARD, you can make appointments with either team to get started. 

Our team can help you schedule your appointment. Options may be available for telehealth.


Tourette BLOG & Tips

Tourette Awareness Month 2024

Join the Tourette Association, our local support group and the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health in supporting the…

TAA Awareness Month

Tourette Newsletter

Tourette Quarterly Newsletter

Don’t miss any new content of the Tourette Blog & Tips! Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter filled with the latest information on Tourette syndrome and tic disorders, ranging from treatment tips, family tools and resources.

TAA Center of Excellence Newsletter

Tourette Resources

TAA Resource Library

The Tourette Association of America Resource Library is a collection of articles, pdfs, and videos that provide in-depth and rich resources about Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. Funded by a grant from funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


TAA Toolkits


TAA Comic Books


TAA Awareness Card

Much of the stigma that surrounds Tourette syndrome and tic disorders comes from misunderstanding.

These cards may help you explain the effects of Tourette syndrome and tic disorders.

I have Tourette card from Tourette Association of America

Crisis and Suicide Resources


News & ResearcH

Tourette Awareness Month 2024

Join the Tourette Association, our local support group and the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health in supporting the…

TAA Awareness Month

Participate in Research

Clinical trials are essential to finding new treatments for neurological disorders. You will have the opportunity to participate in groundbreaking clinical trials at the Fixel Institute.

Researcher in the lab