Huntington’s Disease society of America Center of Excellence

From visits with your neurologist to support groups and educational events to appointments with rehab specialists, the Huntington’s Disease Society of America Center of Excellence at the Fixel Institute meets all your needs in one location.

HDSA Center of Excellence team

Support Groups & EDucational events

Educational Videos on YouTube

Visit the Fixel Institute's YouTube page to watch a variety of educational videos related to Huntington's and other neurological disorders.

Fixel Institute YouTube Channel

Patient Resources

HDSA Living Well with HD Website

Check in with the Huntington's Disease Society of America's website of resources ranging from nutrition, exercise, caregiver resources and more.

HDSA Living Well with HD

News & ResearcH

Generation HD2 Trial

The UF Fixel Institute is a site participating in the GENERATION HD2 trial, sponsored by Roche-Genentech. This trial is studying an investigational…

HD2 Study