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Tourette Tips

Back to School with Tourette Syndrome 2024

The summer is winding down, back-to-school shopping is inevitable and parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner. With the laid-back atmosphere of the summer, it can be difficult for children with Tourette syndrome (TS), as well as their parents to get transition back to the structured setting of school. When…

Tourette Awareness Month 2024

Join the Tourette Association, our local support group and the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health in supporting the mission to raise awareness for Tourette syndrome and Tic Disorders. May 15 – June 15 is recognized as the Tourette Association Awareness Month. During this…

Occupational Therapy’s Role in Treating Tics

Written by Thaila Schug, OTS Occupational therapists are healthcare professionals that aid patients across the lifespan, from birth through adulthood, with daily activities they want and need to do. These could include toileting, bathing and dressing. It can also include driving, returning to work and participating in school or play.

Tourette Awareness Month

Join the Tourette Association, our local support group and the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health in supporting the mission to raise awareness for Tourette syndrome and Tic Disorders. May 15 – June 15 is recognized as the Tourette Association Awareness Month. During this…

Youth Ambassador & Rising Leader Program

Are you looking for ways for you to get involved in the Tourette Association?Are you looking for ways to teach others about Tourette Syndrome?Are you looking for a good way to boost your knowledge on leadership and training skills?Are you passionate about advocating for Tourette Syndrome? If so, the Tourette…

Tourette Syndrome Support Groups

Written by Valentina Osorio, OTS The onset of a chronic disease or diagnosis may come with added stressors and feelings of uncertainty and alienation. Support groups may serve as a bridge between medical treatment and the need for emotional support1. Support groups are a great way to meet and…

Returning to School with TS during COVID

It can be difficult for children with Tourette Syndrome (TS) and the co-occurring conditions to handle transitions and changes in their daily life, and transitioning back to school can be particularly hard.  Historically, the start of the school year can lead to an increase in tics, anxiety or other TS-related…

We Respect You and We Value You

Leadership within the Fixel Institute, on behalf of our care team, would like to take the opportunity to voice our support for a diverse, inclusive clinic and community.  Recent tragedies have raised strong emotion and deep concern about…