The summer is winding down, back-to-school shopping is inevitable and parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner. With the laid-back atmosphere of the summer, it can be difficult for children with Tourette syndrome (TS), as well as their parents to get transition back to the structured setting of school.
When tics and the co-occurring conditions of TS worsen around the beginning of the school year, it is important to prepare for this transition prior to the start of the first day of school.
Finding resources and advocacy materials can be difficult, so we have compiled many resources that you can use to help with the transition.
Tourette Association of America Resources
Back To School Resources
Returning to school after summer break can be difficult for many students, and transitioning back into a classroom for a student with Tourette Syndrome can be an extremely challenging for all those who are involved. This page provides tools for children, teens, parents, and educators to ensure a smooth start to a new school year.
Educational Rights & Accommodations
With so many options and resources for school, it can feel overwhelming. However, check out these resources from the TAA on accomodations and educational rights for students with TS.
Classroom Strategies for Students with TS
Start here for an easy summary of classroom strategies and tips for students with TS.
Bullying Q & A
Schoolyard bullies have always existed and adults have often diminished their cruelty. But children with Tourette Syndrome are often targeted by their peers for an especially cruel dose of bullying and there are constructive things that parents, teachers and children can do. The Tourette Association has tapped two experts Megan Moiser, M.A., Olweus Bully Prevention Trainer, who has TS and Kathy Giordano, the Tourette Association Education Specialist, for insights and strategies that work.
Educating Classmates About Tourette Syndrome
When families of children with TS or the children themselves are asked about the most difficult part of having Tourette Syndrome (TS), the most frequent answer is dealing with peers. Social interactions are potentially very challenging for children with TS. One of the most important things we can do for our children is to educate their peers about the disorder. This is admittedly not easy, but it is one of the most successful ways to reduce social problems.
How To Organize a Binder for School Related Meetings
Knowing what to include in an IEP/504 meeting can difficult, so the TAA has put together this webinar on exactly what you need for those meetings.
Free Educator’s Training Programs
OnLine & On-Demand
Tourette in Schools Professional Development Course
Free on-demand and online professional development course (6 credits) for any educator looking to gain knowledge about Tourette Syndrome in the classroom.
Available Until September 2025
Tourette in Schools Continuing Education
In collaboration with the CDC, the TAA is thrilled to offer free CMEs and CEUs for medical providers and allied health professionals to learn more about Tourette Syndrome and other Tic Disorders.
Previously Recorded Education Professional Series
This webinar series has been created to provide educators working in the classroom and school setting with further information on Tourette Syndrome, its co-occurring conditions and management strategies.
Educational Resources for Co-Occurring Conditions
ADDitute Magazine
ADHD Resources
A back-to-school guide for students with ADHD: organization, accommodations, homework, focus, parent-teacher cooperation, school behavior and more.
ADHD Resources
Students with ADHD are back in school this month or the next. These resources provide information to help them do better in school.
Back To School Resources
Going back to school and adjusting to new routines can be tricky for kids who learn and think differently — and for you. But having the right tools can make it easier. Use these back-to-school downloads to start the school year off right.
Anxiety & Depression Association of America
Anxiety & Depression Webinars
Access a series of previous recorded webinars on helping your students return to school with anxiety and depression.
International OCD Foundation
OCD Resources
There are various educational resources available for understanding and managing OCD. From expert articles, to books and multimedia, view our full list of resources below.
Tourette ASsociation of America
Managing OCD and Anxiety in School with Tourette
Students with Tourette Syndrome often present with co-occurring conditions. This webinar, as part of the Education Professional Webinar Series, uncovers how OCD and anxiety can present with Tourette Syndrome. Since the presentation of OCD and anxiety with Tourette can be hidden, understanding OCD, anxiety, and Tourette can greatly inform how to help a student with TS at school socially, emotionally, and academically.
College Student Resources
10 Things Professors Can Do To Help Students with Tourette
While every student is unique, the following are general suggestions that may help a college student who has TS or tics to be successful in your class.Â
Taking Tourette To College
Part of the Tourette Association of America’s Virtual Conference, this presentation is geared towards parents and teens and will provide resources and information for college-bound students with Tourette, along with insights and strategies for success.
Preparing for College for Young Adults with Tourette
Preparing for college can feel like an overwhelming process, especially for those with Tourette Syndrome and co-occurring conditions. Join Tourette Association of America Rising Leaders who discuss their experiences with choosing the right college, living with TS in college and helpful accommodations for college students with TS.
College & Tourette
Teens and young adults with Tourette Syndrome can enjoy an exciting college experience. The links below provide helpful resources for applying to and transitioning to college life.