Parkinson’s Awareness Month

PD Awareness Month 2023

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month and April 11th is World Parkinson’s Day.

This year, with the recent studies reporting that someone is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) every 6 minutes in the United States, the Parkinson’s Foundation is using the theme #Take6forPD to promote awareness.

Promoting Awareness

#Take6forPD Toolkit

The Parkinson’s foundation is working hard to spread awareness about Parkinson’s disease throughout Parkinson’s Awareness Month, but they can reach so many more people with your help. They’ve put together a quick guide with a few easy ways you can get involved from the comfort of your home. Learn how you can spread awareness here.

My “PD” Story

Submit your My PD Story or encourage someone to tell his/her My PD Story. “My PD Stories” powerfully illustrate what it’s like to live with Parkinson’s and how our programs and resources provide hope and support.

Promote on Social Media

The ongoing goal of the #Take6forPD campaign is to raise awareness to those around the country. The Parkinson’s Foundation provides advocates with guidance on how to use social media to spread general awareness through your local networks.


April 11

World Parkinson’s Day

World Parkinson’s Day takes place on 11 April every year to raise awareness of Parkinson’s.

Local PD Events

The Parkinson’s Foundation has lots of great events of all types. Fitness classes, education seminars, Expert Briefing webinars and more.

Moving Day Event

Moving Day is your chance to speak up about Parkinson’s disease and move others to take action. It is a movement for change—towards more awareness, more funding, and more understanding of a disease that affects so many of our family and friends.

Virtual Webinars

The Parkinson’s Foundation brings together many experts who specialize in care for people living with PD to speak on a variety of topics ranging from medication, sleep, exercise and more.

May 13, 2023 at 8:30 A.M.

Parkinson's Foundation Annual Symposium

The Fixel Institute's Annual Parkinson's Symposium is being held in-person and virtually. Please consider joining us for this free half-day event full of experts speaking on topics related to Parkinson's.

Parkinson's Symposium Short Flyer


Parkinson’s Foundation Helpline

Call the Parkinson’s Foundation Helpline 1-800-4PD-INFO (1-800-473-4636) for answers to your Parkinson’s disease (PD) questions. Staffed by nurses, social workers and health educators, the Parkinson’s Foundation Helpline is here to support you in any possible way

Parkinson’s Foundation Library

Deep dive into Parkinson’s topics that matter most to you. Explore our books, podcast episodes, fact sheets, videos and more — all available in our PD Library. Utilize these resources to delve into the aspects of Parkinson’s impacting your life right now.

Newly Diagnosed Resources

This Newly Diagnosed kit is designed to help you get started on your journey to living well with Parkinson’s disease. The kit includes: pocket folder, introductory letter to someone newly diagnosed, 5 Steps brochure, PD Fact Sheet, info card and Key Questions for Your Doctor Visits.

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Don't miss any new content of the Tips & Treatment Blog! Subscribe to our monthly newsletter filled with the latest information on Parkinson's Disease, ranging from treatment tips, exercise resources, caregiver tools and resources.

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