May 15 – June 15, 2022
Join the Tourette Association, the Alachua County and Clay County TS Groups, and the UF Health Fixel Institute for Neurological Disorders in supporting the mission to raise awareness for Tourette syndrome and Tic Disorders. May 15- June 15 is recognized as the Tourette Association Awareness Month. During this time, we pledge to support advocacy, awareness and education through events and togetherness.

Saturday, June 4, 2022 after Walk
Paint the Wall Event- Time Change
We will return to the traditional wall painting event this year. Due to inclement weather, the wall painting will be changed to immediately after the walk on June 4th (~10am).
Bring your own spray paint and brushes but Heather will supply the back wall teal paint.
Look forward to seeing you all there.

Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 9am
Virtual Walk/Run
Walk will be conducted in-person this year.
Each lap is 1K, so join for as many laps as you would like.
Walk starts at 9am, and the location is at Possum Creek Park.

Every Tuesday from May 15-June 15
Wear Teal Tuesdays
Wear teal on Tuesdays to support Tourette Awareness! Ideas include: teal clothing, ties, bracelets, buttons, hair accessories, nail polish and more! Get creative and Post pictures on Social Media!

Tourette Association of America
Miles for Tourette
May 15-June 15
Calculate your miles, tally your fun activities and promote on social media.
The Tourette Association of America’s 50th Anniversary is in full swing. Get involved in Tourette Awareness Month and connect with people around the globe to raise awareness and funds in support of the Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorder community.

Tourette Association
Take the TS Pledge
Pledge to be the change for the Tourette community.

Tourette Association of America
Get Social
Promote TS awareness on your social media pages throughout the month.

For more information on how to support TS Awareness Month, visit the Tourette Association.
For local support group questions or to join the monthly newsletter, reach out to Heather Simpson.