Caregivers Digest January 2021

Graphic with the message "It is natural, as family caregivers, to put ourselves last, but this isn't the best habit to keep."

Creating New Year’s resolutions is a long-standing tradition for many. Often, these resolutions are aimed at doing something better to become more happier like giving up an unhealthy habit or trying to exercise more.

This January, we encourage caregivers and care partners to loved ones with Parkinson’s disease (PD) to consider your own physical and mental health when creating 2021 resolutions by focusing on ways to improve your own self-care. As 2020 has brought many new challenges, and in many cases, increased the role and burden of the caregiver to ensure safety for your loved once, it is important to shift some focus back on yourself.    

Simple New Year’s Resolutions

The Parkinson’s Foundation (PF) recognizes this unique situation that caregivers and care partners are in and emphasizes this focus in their blog on strategies for caregivers with tools ranging from emotional care to sensory self-care.

Understanding that adding more things “to do” on your list might feel daunting and overwhelming, we have compiled a list of some simple steps that you can do as part of your New Year’s Resolutions.

Self Care Isn't Selfish
  • Get more sleep
  • Take personal “me” time
  • Accept help
  • Laugh more
  • Minimize your caregiver guilt

Taking the time to care of yourself is not selfish. In fact, it is a critical part of being a good caregiving and ensuring that you can be the best that you can be when caring for someone else.

Caregivers and care partners are selfless and empathic towards others, but often not towards themselves.  Therefore, this year, it is important to remember to be caring towards yourself by engaging in self-care.

New Year’s CareGiver Resources

Fixel Support

Fixel Institute Patients u0026amp; Caregivers

C.A.R.E.S. Program

C.A.R.E.S (Caregivers Accessing Resources for Emotional Support) is free, 1-on-1 counseling to caregivers of patients in the Fixel Institute who are currently experiencing emotional and mental strain while caring for a loved one. Can be provided by Zoom online.To schedule this FREE service, call our office at 352-733-2410 or email Jana Unislawksi.

CARES program

Finding Support

PD Conversations

Join online discussion groups where you can connect with others who are sharing similar experiences to you and your loved one.

Male hand holding megaphone with Need Help speech bubble. Loudspeaker. Banner for business, marketing and advertising. Vector illustration.

Save the Date- May 15, 2021

2021 Care Partner Summit

Care partners have an enormous and often underappreciated job. Join the Parkinson Foundation At the 2021 Care Partner Summit (May 2021)to learn valuable tools for caregiving and networking.

hero at home 4


Picture: Project We Forgot (n.d.). Retrieved from