#OCDweek for OCD Awareness and Advocacy

OCD Awareness

Sunday, October 8-October 14, 2017 is the International OCD Foundation Awareness Week. This week is dedicated to promoting unity, awareness, and support for those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders.

This week is recognized nationally and promoted within each Center of Excellence. Here are some of the ways that you can follow up with your Centers of Excellence and your local community centers to join in the promoting this effort:

  1. Advocate OCD Awareness on Social Media
  • Use the #OCDweek hashtag in your social media posts.
  • Share your OCD pride by using these photos throughout your social media and community.
  • Show your support by adding a “Twibbon” to your Facebook or Twitter account profile picture during #OCDweek.
  • Vote on your favorite creative #OCDweek awareness Youtube video that supports OCD awareness and advocacy.
  • Participate in a Q & A session with the IOCDF Executive Director, Jeff Szymanski, Ph.D. for an “Ask Me Anything” session from 11am -12pm daily during the #OCDweek. Click here to join.
  1. Participate in an IOCDF Event near you. Click on the Calendar link for events in your area.
  2. Create OCD awareness during #OCDweek by hosting an event of your own. Some ideas listed on the social media website include:
  • Hosting a party documenting a popular movie or show involving a character with OCD and then discussing the stereotypes, realities, etc. that the film portrays.
  • Create a fundraiser
  • Seek to mentor or become a friend to a peer or family member with OCD.
  • Write a letter to your local newspaper, school, or community newsletter bringing attention to #OCDweek. The IOCDF site has a great letter template to start the conversation.

OCD and Tourette Syndrome

Children and adults with Tourette syndrome are commonly affected by obsessive-compulsive disorders and tendencies. Research shows that as many as 30% of those affected with OCD have tics at some point throughout their life. Tics and OCD exist as separate entities. However, newest research has shown a closely genetic link.  Tics and compulsions can be difficult to distinguish at times, leading to many times the terms tics or compulsions to be utilized interchangeably without proper medical treatment. It is important for family members, providers and those closely related to those affected by OCD and tic disorders to fully understand the distinction.  Make sure to follow-up with your Centers of Excellence to understand this relationship and how one can affect the other.

To find out more information about OCD and related disorders, visit the ICODF  or Tourette Association of America websites.  In addition, visit our Resources page for recommended books on OCD.

OCD Awareness




International OCD Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2017, from https://iocdf.org/

Tourette Syndrome: Diagnosing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (TS). (2015, November 30). Retrieved October 10, 2017, from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/tourette/ocd.html