Research Breakthrough on Genetics and TS

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In June of 2017, researchers have located highly genetic risk indicators for Tourette syndrome (TS). A study, funded by the Tourette Association of America (TAA), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), was completed which analyzed over 2,400 people with TS and 4,000 people without TS to interpret genetic codes.  The results of this genetic analysis found that a significant contribution from two gene abnormalities are present in those with TS.

  • Neurexin-1 gene (NRXN1)
  • Contactin-6 (CNTN6)

The TAA and the Tourette community are thrilled about the recent breakthrough as it shows promise towards becoming closer to understanding TS and those affected by the condition. Read more about this study here.