Tourette Syndrome-It’s not what you think it is

Tourette Association Iceberg
(Tourette Association Iceberg, 2016)

On July 6th, the Tourette Association of America shared this new image of what exactly is Tourette Syndrome.  How powerful is this? What do you think?


So, what does this mean? Well, what you might see on the surface is vocal and/or motor tics. But what can actually be occurring is much deeper under the surface, and those are the co-occurring conditions of “iceberg.”  Many of these symptoms can be largely ignored and underdiagnosed if not addressed by a Tourette specialist. And if not addressed, these co-occurring conditions can many times be more disabling than or even potentially triggering the tics themselves.

If you or your loved one if affected by Tourette Syndrome, it is important to seek comprehensive interdisciplinary care for management of this “iceberg.” You must advocate for the hidden needs, conditions or concerns that are underlying the tics.

Follow up with your local Center of Excellence or physician for more information regarding the interdisciplinary services that address any of those needs.



Tourette Association. (2016, July 6). Tourette Syndrome: Tics are just the tip of the iceberg [Twitter]. Retrieved from