Dr. Christopher Hess discusses Parkinson disease on C-SPAN

Dr. Christopher Hess appeared on C-SPAN show Washington Journal for about 40 minutes to discuss Parkinson disease in the United States with the host and answer questions from callers. Dr. Hess is a neurologist in our Center and also directs the Veterans Administration Parkinson’s Disease Consortium Center at the North Florida/South Georgia VA Medical Center.

Dr. Hess on C-SPAN
Dr. Hess appeared on C-SPAN to discuss PD and answer questions from callers


There is a renewed public interest in Parkinson disease with the recent death of Muhammad Ali. Topics included: what Parkinson disease is, gait difficulty, depression, lack of local movement disorder experts, deep brain stimulation, and more.

Please watch the full interview here on the C-SPAN website. We hope it was a helpful discussion for many!

More about Dr. Hess …