The Dr. Drew show on CNN Headline News has been following the case of 12 girls in New York state who rather suddenly developed a hyperkinetic movement disorder. On Tuesday, January 23rd, Dr. Okun was on the show via Skype on behalf of the Tourette Syndrome Association.
In a press release, the Tourette Syndrome Association said:
Our hearts go out to the teens and their families. We at the TSA understand all too well how upseting it is for children and families when abnormal movements present without obvious cause. The TSA stands ready to help in any way we can and is prepared to help with referrals to one of many movement disorder experts from within our large network of providers network . . .
. . . It is important to note that Tourette syndrome is a childhood-onset condition (average age of diagnosis is 7 years) which is characterized by motor and vocal tics. The prevlance among children and teens is slightly less than 1%, occurs sporadically in communities and is not contagious in any way.