2nd Annual Season of Hope Run- Dec.10, 2011

On Saturday, December 10, 2011 @ 8:30AM, our Dystonia and Parkinson’s communities will  once again race this  5K/15K route at Hawthorne Trail to raise funds to benefit research.

BAG & CHIP pick-up: December 9, 5:30-7:30

at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney on NW 8th Avenue (for info, please call 352-332-9300) or pick up on day day of race on the trail between 715& 815AM

Race and Walk will occur on December 10th, 8:30 AM at

Hawthorne Trail in Gainesville’s Paines Prairie; 3300 SE 15th Street; Gainesville, FL 32602 at Boulware Springs City Park