Parkinson Symposium – April 24th 8:30 AM – Full Details

Hopeful Days in PD – 8th Annual Parkinson Disease Symposium

for Patients, Caregivers, and Healthcare Providers

Sponsored by the University of Florida Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders NPF Center of Excellence

Saturday, April 24th (8:30 AM – 2:00 PM)

The event is FREE and OPEN to all PD patients and their families, caregivers, health professionals or any other interested guests. Lunch will be provided.

Registration is requested but not required and can be done through Rachelle Stephen by calling 352-273-5566 or emailing

The symposium will be held at:

Abiding Savior Lutheran Church (in the Fellowship Hall, Building 3)
9700 West Newberry Road
Gainesville, FL 32606-5545

(Note: you can enter the building using either a wheelchair ramp or stairs)

We plan to stream the video of the Symposium live (be aware there may be technical difficulties). The stream will appear on the UFMDC website on Saturday. If there are any technical difficulties we will aim to get the video posted to the site as quickly as possible after the symposium.

8:15 AM Registration Lobby
8:45 Michael Okun, M.D. Welcome remarks/introduction
9:00-9:30 Michael Okun, M.D.

Co-Director MDC, Associate Professor

UF Dept of Neurology

Updates in Care, Research and Outreach in PD.

Dennis Steindler, PhD

Executive Director,

McKnight Brain Institute

University of Florida

“Regenerative Medicine in Movement Disorders”
10-11:00 Melissa Daly, PT, DPT Falls in PD  + activity

11:00-11:15 Inspirational speaker :

Jon Anderson

Relentless Forward Motion
11:15 AM– 12:00 PM Ramon L. Rodriguez, MD

Director of Clinical Services

Assistant Professor

UF Dept of Neurology

Medical Management of Parkinson Symptoms
12:00-12:30 LUNCH LUNCH

Jill Sonke-Henderson

Co-Director, Dance For Life Program


Dance for Life Presentation and Class Graduation
1:30-2PM Sherrilene Classen, PhD

Director IMAP, Assistant Professor UF Dept of Occupational Therapy

Does PD affect my Driving?
2:00 – 2:30 PM Irene Malaty, MD

Asst Prof and NPF COE Director

With thanks to the Robert Stockdale Lecture Fund

Parkinson Disease: More than a Movement Disorder